The Praise of our Lady, the Virgin Mary, the Bearer of God - Tuesday

The Crown of our glory, and the origin of our salvation and the foundation

of our sanctification came into being in Mary the Virgin, who brought for us

God the Word, Who became incarnate for our salvation. And after He became

man of a certainty He was perfect GOD. And for this reason She gave birth to

Him being a Virgin. The power of Her bringing forth is a marvelous thing that

cannot be described.

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One!

Of His own free will, and by the good pleasure of His Father and the Holy

Spirit, He came forth and has delivered us. Great is the praise of Thy Virginity,

O Mary, Thou perfect (or absolute) Virgin. Thou did receive grace, God was

with Thee. You are the ladder which Jacob saw reaching from earth to heaven,

with the angels of God ascending and descending upon it.

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One!

Thou are the Bush which Moses saw blazing with fire, and the wood

thereof was not consumed. It was the Son of God Who dwelt in Thy womb,

and the fire of His divinity did not consume Thy flesh.

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One!

Thou are that field wherein no seed was sown, and yet there went forth

from Thee the Fruit of Life. Thou are that Treasure-house which Joseph

bought, and he found therein a Pearl, a precious gem, that is to say, our

Redeemer Jesus Christ. Thou did carry it (Him) in Thy womb and did bring Him

forth into the world.

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One!

Rejoice Thou, O God-bearer, Thou joy of the angels. Rejoice Thou, O Pure,

who was the woman foretold by the prophets. Rejoice Thou, for Thou did find

favor, and God was with Thee. Rejoice Thou, for Thou have received the voice

of the Angel (Gabriel), the joy of the entire world. Rejoice Thou, O Bearer of

the Creator of the entire world.

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One!

Rejoice Thou because it is meet that Thou should be called, “Bearer of

God.” Rejoice Thou, O Thou Woman who delivered Eve. Rejoice Thou, for

Thou did suckle Him Who suckles all creation. Rejoice Thou, O Holy woman,

the mother of all living beings. We lift our eyes to Thee with entreaty that

Thou will pray on our behalf.

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One!

O Virgin, O Saint, O Bearer of God, since Thou did bring forth the King, a

marvelous mystery dwelt upon Thee for our salvation. We will hold our peace,

for we are unable to search into the matter completely, as the Greatness

thereof requires, and will describe that Doer of good things, through the

exceedingly great wonder of the manifestation.

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One!

He was the Living Word of the Father Who came down on Mount Sinai, and

gave the Law to Moses while the top of the mountain was covered with mist,

and with smoke, and with darkness, and with storm, and with terrifying blasts

of trumpets. He admonished those who were standing there in fear.

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One!

It was He Who came down to Thee, O rational Mountain, in the humility of

the Lover of men. Without any change He became incarnate of Thee, and took

a perfect body, endowed with reason and like unto ourselves, through the

spirit of wisdom. God took up His abode in Her and became perfect man, so

that He might deliver Adam, and forgive him his sin, and make him to dwell in

heaven, and bring him back to his former state in His abundant compassion.

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One!

It is Impossible for any to describe the greatness of the Virgin. For God

chose Her, and He came and dwelt upon Her. He who dwelt in the light,

Whom none could approach, He was carried in Her womb nine months. He

Who is invisible, He Who is incomprehensible did Mary bring forth, being a


Pray to Him for us, O Holy One!

This is the stone which Daniel the Prophet saw, which was hewn from a

high mountain, without hands, that is to say, the Word Who went forth from

the Father. He came and became incarnate of the Virgin, without seed of man,

and delivered us.

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One!

Thou are the pure twig and the right vessel of the True Faith of the Saints

our fathers. O Thou pure God-Bearer, O Thou sealed Virgin, Thou did bring

forth for us the Word of the Father, Jesus Christ. He came and He has

delivered us.

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One!

Thou are the Mother of the glorious light, O God-Bearer. Thou did carry the

Word Who is invisible, and after Thou had brought Him forth Thou did

continue to be a Virgin. With praise and blessing shall men magnify Thee!

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One!

What tongue is able to proclaim that which should be declared concerning

Thee, O Thou Pure Virgin? Mother of the Light, the Word of the Father. Thou

were the throne of the King whom the Cherubim carry. We ascribe blessings

unto Thee, O Blessed woman, and we will remember Thy name from

generation to generation, O Beautiful Dove, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One!

Rejoice Thou, O Mary, Mother and Maid, for unto Him who is in Thy

Bosom, the angels bring praises, and the Cherubim bow down and worship

Him in fear, and the Seraphim spread out their wings, and say concerning him

ceaselessly, “This is the King of Glory.” He came to forgive the sins of the

world in the greatness of his compassion.

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One!