The Praise of our Lady, the Virgin Mary, the Bearer of God - Saturday

Pure and shining, holy and praiseworthy are Thou in everything, O Thou

who has clasped the Lord in Her hand. All creation rejoiced with Her, and cried


Pray to Him for us, O Holy One!

Rejoice, O full of grace, rejoice Thou, for Thou has found favor; rejoice

Thou, for God is with Thee. We ascribe blessings to Thy greatness, O awesome

Virgin, and we send to Thee joy with the angel Gabriel, for the Fruit of Thy

womb has become the salvation of our race, and has brought us nigh unto

God His Father.

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One!

As at a marriage undefiled the Holy Spirit took up His abode in Thee, and

the power of the Most High overshadowed Thee. O Mary, verily Thou has

brought forth for us the Word, the Son of the Father, Who dwelled (or

existed) forever. He came and saved us from sin.

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One!

Thou are the young Shoot from the root of David. Thou have brought forth

for us in the flesh our Savior Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Word, Who was

of the Father, who was hidden before the world, and hiding Himself took from

Thee the form (or appearance) of a slave. Pray to Him for us, O Holy One!

50. Thou are the Second Heaven over the earth, O spotless God-Bearer. From

Thee has risen upon us the Sun of righteousness, and Thou did bring Him

forth, according to the prophesy of the Prophets, without seed and without


Pray to Him for us, O Holy One!

Thou are that Tabernacle which was called “Holy of Holies”, wherein was

the Ark (Tabot) which was covered on all sides with plates of gold, and had

therein the Tables of the Covenant and the pot of gold of the hidden manna,

that is to say, the Son of God. He came and dwelled with Mary, the Virgin

without blemish. He was incarnate of Her, and She brought forth in the world

the King of Glory. He came and delivered us. The Garden (Paradise) shall

rejoice, for the Lamb that is endowed with reason, the Son of the Father, Who

dwells forever, has come and delivered us from sin.

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One!

Thou are called Mother of Christ the King. After Thou did bring Him forth,

Thou did continue in Thy spotless virginity through a marvelous mystery. Thou

did bring forth Emmanuel, and because of this Thou did preserve Thyself


Pray to Him for us, O Holy One!

Thou are the Ladder on which Jacob saw the Son of God, for Thou have

carried in Thy sealed womb Him Who could not be touched. Thou have

become for us an intercessor with our Lord Jesus Christ, Who became

incarnate of Thee for our salvation.

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One!

Behold, the Lord came forth from Thee, Thou undefiled Bride-chamber, to

save the whole world, which He had created in His abundant compassion and

mercy. We glorify Him and we praise Him, for He is the Beneficent One, the

lover of men.

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One!

Rejoice Thou, O full of grace, Virgin unblemished, vessel undefiled, Glory of

the world, light which shall never be extinguished, shrine that shall never be

overthrown. Staff of the Faith! Thou never failing support of the Saints, pray

Thou for us to Thy Beneficent Son, our Redeemer, that He may have mercy

upon us, and show us compassion and forgive us our sins in His mercy.

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One!