The Praise of our Lady, the Virgin Mary, the Bearer of God - monday

God wished to set free Adam who was sad at heart and sorrowful, and to

bring him back to the state wherein he was formerly.

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One!

He rose up in flesh of the Virgin without the seed of man. He came and saved

us. Upon Eve, whom the serpent led astray, GOD passed the decree of

judgment, saying, “I will multiply greatly your pain and suffering.”

Nevertheless, His heart inclined to love for man, and He set her free.

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One!

Jesus Christ, the Word who became incarnate, and He dwelt with us, and we

saw His glory like the glory of the only begotten of His Father. He has been

pleased to show compassion upon us.

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One!

Isaiah the Prophet in the spirit of prophecy saw the mystery of Emmanuel,

and therefore he cried out, saying, ”A Child is born unto us, a Son is given unto


Pray to Him for us, O Holy One!

Rejoice and be glad, O race of the children of men, for GOD has loved the

world, and given His only Son that all who believe in Him may have

everlasting life. The Most High has sent unto us His outstretched arm.

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One!

He who was and shall be, He who came and shall come again, is Jesus Christ,

the Word who became incarnate without any change. He was a perfect man,

without division and without separation, in all His work the only begotten, but

with one form, one being, and one divinity, GOD the Word.

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One!

Rejoice, O Bethlehem, the town of the Prophets, for in thee was born Christ,

the second Adam, so that He might bring the first Adam from the earth into

the Paradise, and destroy the doom of death. O Adam, thou are dust, and

thou shall return to dust. Where sin abounded, there did the grace of God

abound likewise.

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One!

Let all souls of men rejoice and be glad with the angels, and let them praise

Christ, the King, and cry out and say, “Glory to God in the heavens, and peace

on the earth, and His good will to men.” He has abolished the things of old,

and overthrown the plot of the enemy, and torn in pieces the bill of

indictment of Adam and Eve and set them free. He who was born for us in the

city of David, our Redeemer, Jesus Christ has done this.

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One!

Thou Light, Who in truth illuminates to all men who dwell in the world,

because of Thy love for man Thou has come into the world. All created things

rejoiced at Thy coming, because Thou did deliver Adam from his error, and did

set free Eve from the suffering of death, and has given unto us the soul of

prophecy. We bless Thee with Thy angels.

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One.