The Praise of our Lady, the Virgin Mary, the Bearer of God - Friday

Blessed are Thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb, O

Mary the Virgin, the spotless God-Bearer. From Thee has risen upon us the

Sun of Righteousness, and He has drawn us near (to Him) under His wings, for

He has created us.

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One!

You alone, O our Lady, the God-Bearer, are the Mother of the Light. We

will magnify Thee with glorifying and praising. Blessed are Thou! Thou are

greater than heaven, and more glorious than earth, and exalted above the

conception of every mind; who is able to declare Thy greatness? There is none

who can be compared with Thee, O Mary the Virgin. The angels magnify Thee,

and the Seraphim praise Thee, for He Who dwells upon the Cherubim and

Seraphim came and took up His abode in Thy womb. The Lover of men has

brought us nigh unto Himself, the death that belonged to us He hath removed,

and has given unto us the life that was His. To Him belong glory, and praise.

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One!

Blessed are Thou, Mary, and blessed is the Fruit of Thy womb. O virgin God-

Bearer, the glory of all virgins; He Who existed before the world became

incarnate of Thee .The Ancient of days came forth from Thy womb, He took

our flesh, and gave us His Holy Spirit, and in His abundant goodness made us

co-equals with Him. Thou are greater than many women who have received

grace and honor, O Mary the God-Bearer, Thou spiritual city wherein God the

Most High took up His abode. Him who its above the Cherubim and Seraphim

has Thou clasped with the hand. And He, Who of His abundant goodness feeds

every being of flesh, has taken Thy breast and sucked milk there from. He who

is our God and the Redeemer of all, He shall shepherd us forever. Let us

worship Him and praise Him, for He has created us.

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One!

Mary the Virgin is the vessel of priceless ointment, the fountainhead (or

spring) of the water of life. The Fruit of Her womb has saved all the world, and

abolished the curse which lay upon us, and made peace to be among us. By

His Cross and by His Holy Resurrection has He brought man back again into

the Garden (Paradise).

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One!

Mary, The Pure Virgin, the Bearer of God, prays continually with

compassion for the children of men. Pray Thou for us to Thy Son Christ that He

may forgive us and have compassion upon us.

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One!

Mary the Virgin cried out in the sanctuary, saying, “God knows that I know

no one and nothing more than the sound of the voice of the angel, who with

honor brought unto me glad tidings, and said unto me, ‘Peace be unto Thee, O

holy Virgin. Thou shall carry Him Who cannot be carried, and shall contain Him

who cannot be contained, and Whom nothing can contain.’” Thy praise shall

be abundant, O Thou who are full of grace and honor, for Thou did become

the dwelling place of the Word of the Father. Thou are the tent that is spread

out and that gathered together believing Christian folk, and teaches them to

worship the life giving Trinity. Thou are She who bore the Pillar of fire, which

Moses saw, that is to say, the Son of God, Who came and dwelt in Thy womb.

Thou was the Ark of the creator of the heavens and the earth. Thou did carry

Him in Thy womb nine months. Thou had in trust Him Whom the heavens and

earth cannot contain. Thou was the Ladder whereby man ascended into

heaven. Thy light is greater than the light of the sun. Thou are the eastern

horizon, where out came the brilliant star which the saints looked upon with

joy and gladness. The decree that God passed upon Eve was, “Thou shall bring

forth children with toil and suffering,” but Thou did hear a voice, saying,

“Rejoice, O full of grace, Thou have brought forth for us the Word of the

Father, the King, the God of all creation.” He came and delivered us, for He is

the Compassionate Lover of Men. And because of this we praise thee, even as

did the Angel Gabriel, saying, “Blessed are Thou among women, and blessed is

the fruit of Thy womb; rejoice, O Thou who are full of grace, God is with


Pray to Him for us, O Holy One!