The Mother of God

By Dn. Gorgorios DejenE

The Mother of God - The Ladder of Jacob, The Rod of Aaron - Dn. Gorgorios Dejene

The story of Christianity began some two thousand years ago when a young woman of Galilee, after having asked about the meaning and the method, said 'yes' to the message of the angel sent by God. The Incarnation could then take place, which is the specificity of Christianity.

Our Lord asks us to have a relationship with His Mother. From the Cross, He tells St John, “Behold, this is your Mother”, after having told Mary to look after the Beloved disciple: “This is your son” (Jn 19,:26-27). The Church has always believed that this is an encouragement for all of us to develop a relationship with Mary, conceived without sin.

The main objective of this book on the Blessed Virgin is to lead us to a much deeper knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.