The Fast of Nineveh (ፆመ ነነዌ)

“ So the people of Nineveh believed God, proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest to the least of them. Then God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God relented from the disaster that He had said He would bring upon them, and He did not do it.” Jonah 3:5,10

Every year, two weeks before the fast of great Lent, is the three day fast of Jonah (The Fast of Nineveh). It is recognized by all Orthodox Tewahedo Churches. This year’s Fast of Nineveh begins on Monday, February 22 and ends February 24.

The dates of this fast vary every year according to the date of Easter. It rotates within 35 days of variance between Tir 17 (January 25) of lower limit and Yekatit 21 (February 29) of upper limit). The Fast of Nineveh is ritualistically similar to the Fast of the Great Lent. As with all other fasts of the Holy church, the fast of Nineveh is observed by refraining from the intake of all dairy and meat products.

During this fast, we remember the three days Prophet Jonah spent in the belly of a large fish as penance for his disobedience to God and the atonement of the sinful city of Nineveh. This fast teaches us how a sinner can inherit the kingdom of God through repentance and realized God’s love and concern not just for His own people.

May the prayers of the Prophet Jonah and the blessings of this holy fast bring to our hearts, minds, and spirits the true love, mercy, longsuffering nature, and compassion of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Let us use these three days to offer repentance from our hearts, as did the Ninevites, seeking the forgiveness of our sins. Let us give thanks to the Lord who prepares our way for us through all tribulations and trials, as He prepared the belly of the whale for Jonah. Let us put ourselves before our Lord, as humble obedient and faithful servants of the One True God, seeking to hear the message that He desires to give to the world through us.