
By Dn. Gorgorios DejenE

Creation in the Orthodox faith seeks questions about our existence. Scientists and philosophers usually question the " "why" of our existence. However, theology goes beyond that and questions the “ who” or by “ whom” of our existence.

Young Orthodox Tewahedo youth and teenagers are recommended to read this book as it gives an in-depth insight and explanation on creation. We often hear a repetition of the word “created” in the book of Genesis. When we look at Genesis 1:1 “ In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”, there is already a focus on creation. But what exactly is creation ? We often see the scientific and philosophical perspective on the meaning behind “ creation” but now let us examine what the Orthodox Tewahedo Faith beliefs are on creation.

We believe that the creation of the world is a mystery itself that comes from the will of God through the Holy Trinity. God did not create this world in order to satisfy His needs. He created it in order for us to enjoy His blessings and share His goodness.