Melody Of Yared

Melody of Yared My Lady St Mary

a treasure from above

In which fitting words or in what language can I 

express to you my love

The heavens and the earth they speak of your marvels 

And all of creation testifies with novels 

A tale that is ceaseless, wondrous are your deeds

Oh My Virgin Mary to you none supersede  

Mother of all Saint Mary my strength and aid

You swiftly come when I call I’m not afraid 

Your miracles and wonders I have witnessed 

Zion Mary you have cured me of emptiness

Melody of Yared My Lady St Mary

a treasure from above

In which fitting words or in what language can I 

express to you my love

The wisdom of our Lord unveiled by you Virgin 

Adam's children escaped the death that came from sin

It is you my mother the root of salvation 

Who became the ladder for all of creation

If the future's uncertain full of dismay

With you as my rod I cannot be led astray 

I’ll stand before you to give praise night and day

With humbleness I call you Mary I pray 

Melody of Yared My Lady St Mary

a treasure from above

In which fitting words or in what language can I 

express to you my love

Generations as one they will stand to give praise

You’ve abolished the curse saved them from sorrow days

Adam and his children on Earth and in the skies 

He will sing songs to you may his prayers arise

The shadows of this dark world from me they part

Intercessions made by you have calmed my heart

When you’re with me Saint Mary I shall know peace

The clench from the pit of sorrow will be released

Melody of Yared My Lady St Mary

a treasure from above

In which fitting words or in what language can I 

express to you my love

Ye Yared wub zema Dingil Emebete

Sitotaye nesh

Bemin andebete endetis bale kal

Mariam libelish