Essentials to fasting

Tsome means to halt, to cease, or to stop. Let’s stop only feeding our fleshly desires and begin to grow our soul. Most of us we are focused on keeping our body clean, fed and warm so that we can grow but doing so only feeds our flesh. We manage to deprive our soul and allow it to remain weak and small. Fasting allows us to let go of our fleshly desires so that we can focus our attention and time on our soul. It is a time to test our spiritual life.

Fasting is the perfect time to test our spiritual life. It allows us to repent our sins and grow spiritually and to build a deeper connection with Christ.

What we need?

Room -

Our soul needs room to grow. It needs space, so we should be reserving the space that we have for our soul instead of giving it to our fleshly desires. We need to stop filling our body with unnecessary desires and make room for our spiritual necessities. “ I ate no choice food, no meat or wine touched my lips; and I used no lotions at all until the three weeks were over. Daniel 10:3

Attention -

Our soul is our conscious to what is right and what aligns with God’s will. Our conscious/soul needs our attention. When we give attention to what our soul is telling us it helps us stay in line with Gods will. If we truly listen to our conscious it will allow us to avoid many wrongs that we do and keep us away from the many distractions and temptations that surround us.

Time -

We need to dedicate time to the growth of our soul. We dedicate time to hanging out with friend, watching television, and doing things that distracts us from the desire of our soul. We need to give time to prayers and sermons and church hymns. Dedicate enough time, consistently to growing our soul while depriving our flesh. We need to give time to our prayer and the growth of our soul on a daily basis to get close to God and truly communicate with God.

Let’s Fast with our…

Ears -

What are we listening to? Are we listening to God? God is always speaking to us but we have to open our ears to listen to him, to listen to his answers to our prayers. “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me...” John 10: 27.

Eyes -

The shows that we watch, the time we spend on social media should be redirected to reading the Bible’s and watching sermons. We need to focus our attention learning more about God and listening and praying to God. Our eyes should be shielded from evil, and temptations. This will feed our soul instead of our flesh.

Mouth -

Are we just speaking whatever comes to our mind or are we using our mouth to praise God? We need to fill our heart with prayers and hymn that we use to praise God. ‘The mouth speaks what the heart is full of’ Proverb 18:21.

Hands -

Our hands should be helping the poor, feeding the needy and being charitable to our church and fellow brothers and sisters. We need to help our church strive and we need to do our part in building our church. Let’s keep our hands away from temptations and evil and use them to do good that will later help us in reaching the kingdom of the heavens.

Feet -

Our feet need to walk to the gates of the church, to prayer and to sermons. We need not attend parties and gatherings that lead us to feeding our fleshly desires. I was glad when they said onto me let’s go into the house of the lord. Psalm 122:1