Hosanna in Ariyam

Holy Jerusalem you are at peace today

He has entered your gates

Your God leading the way

Hosanna in Ariyam

They sang unto their Lord

The children of Holy Jerusalem

The city of David O Bethlehem rejoice

The light of your people

Has come hearing your voice

Hosanna in Ariyam

They sang unto their Lord

The children of Holy Jerusalem

With their praises they sang

Hosanna to their King

Within Jerusalem

Their hearts poured offerings

Hosanna in Ariyam

They sang unto their Lord

The children of Holy Jerusalem

Suffering of Jesus

The pure of heart witnessed

Their eyes welling with tears

They all cried with sadness

ሆሳዕና በአርያም / Hosanna be ariyam

እያሉ ዘመሩ / Eyalu zemeru

ሕጻናት በኢየሩሣሌም /Hitsanat be Eyerusalem