Filled with praises

Filled with praises (2) our hearts are joyful

By your worship (2) our souls are thankful

Because of Your love and Your affection

We’ll glorify Your name with devotion

Be misgana (2) temarkual libachin

Be wudase (2) erekach nefsachin

Silewededk silafeqerken

Silekibrih enzemiralen

Eternally You are with us Lord by our side

Through Your grace and through Your mercy we will abide

All we can give are the offerings of our praise 

Singing throughout our nights and days 

Filled with praises (2) our hearts are joyful

By your worship (2) our souls are thankful

Because of Your love and Your affection

We’ll glorify Your name with devotion

Thinking of your marvelous deeds and charity 

Astounded by your perfection we call to Thee

We will exalt You with the talents You gave us

Just like Aron and like Moses 

Filled with praises (2) our hearts are joyful

By your worship (2) our souls are thankful

Because of Your love and Your affection

We’ll glorify Your name with devotion

We’ve tuned our instruments to pour melody

Your people stand to honor You with songs of glee 

On Calvary we’ve seen Your love with our own eyes

To praise Your name we will all rise

Filled with praises (2) our hearts are joyful

By your worship (2) our souls are thankful

Because of Your love and Your affection

We’ll glorify Your name with devotion

By Your works and Your miracles, we are amazed

With Your pure love dying for us we have been raised

Worshipping you for a lifetime it’s our purpose

In you we found our solace

Filled with praises (2) our hearts are joyful

By your worship (2) our souls are thankful

Because of Your love and Your affection

We’ll glorify Your name with devotion

Be misgana (2) temarkual libachin

Be wudase (2) erekach nefsachin

Silewededk silafeqerken

Silekibrih enzemiralen