Before the Most High

Before the most high I will fall within His dwelling place

And bring forth my praise to glorify His name

For all that He has done I will sing hymns for Him

Within His holy church bowing for all my sins

To stand before my Lord I will rise forgiven

Before the most high I will fall within His dwelling place

And bring forth my praise to glorify His name

Through my days of despair He’s my shield and armor

Find me within the church singing to the Father

Sowing my seeds of praise the heavenly gardener

Before the most high I will fall within His dwelling place

And bring forth my praise to glorify His name

Praising like King David with a harp of 10 strings

Along with the angels with joyful noise I sing

My words my sacrifice accept my offerings

Before the most high I will fall within His dwelling place

And bring forth my praise to glorify His name

To the one and true God for His name I will kneel

Giving my tithes to Him promises I'll fulfill

To enter His kingdom it is my Savior's will

Before the most high I will fall within His dwelling place

And bring forth my praise to glorify His name

Your glory I declare as I proclaim in song

Praying in your temple before the rise of dawn

Along with my fathers to you I call upon

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