Angel Saint gabriel

The Three Holy Youth Ananias (“God is gracious"), Misael ("Who is like God ?), and Azarias ("God is my keeper"), were persecuted because of their faith, they refused to offer adoration to Nabuchodonosor's image. Some colleague(s) who hated them, wanted to get rid of them, so they informed the king that their faith is different from what the king believes in, so they should be punished. The devil always tries to move people against the followers of God. He plans problems for them and makes people spitefully hate those who follow God.

The king, after failing to force the Three Holy Youth to deny their faith, ordered that they be thrown in a fiery furnace after being ignited to 7 times more than normal, to the point that the fire burned the guards who threw them in. The devil now is intensifying the war against them, thinking that he has got them under his control, and will soon get rid of them. God, who always watches over his children, hurried to deliver them from the tribulation, “Then King Nebuchadnezzar was astonished; and he rose in haste and spoke, saying to his counselors, “Did we not cast three men bound into the midst of the fire?” They answered and said to the king “True, O king.” “Look” he answered, “I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they are not hurt, and the form of the forth is like the Son of God”(Dan 3:24,25). The King was astonished. The guards were dead just from getting close to the fire, while the three holy youth, who were in the middle of the fire, did not get affected. Same thing with the devil’s followers (the guards); they themselves will get affected by the evil plots of the devil, while the sons and daughters of God, who are being plotted against, will come out triumphantly.