Alpha and Omega
Alpha and Omega by all you are worshipped
In the hands of traitors you were brought for verdict
They pushed and abused you they wanted to subdue
While inflicting torment Christ they said mocking you
Your call was holiness their response was disdain
Adam’s children were saved as you carried our pain
Alpha and Omega by all you are worshipped
In the hands of traitors you were brought for verdict
Your righteous holy hands with chains they were bounded
They were blinded to the forgiveness you granted
Always omnipresent from the seas to the skies
But they covered your face your glory they despised
Alpha and Omega by all you are worshipped
In the hands of traitors you were brought for verdict
They stood you for judgment in the court of Pilate
They handed you over the uproaring riots
Annas, Caiaphas too sought your condemnation
They sent you to Herod with a proclamation
Alpha and Omega by all you are worshipped
In the hands of traitors you were brought for verdict
Your flesh covered in blood from beatings you endured
They added to that pain suffering they assured
They nailed you to the cross my Lord the Prince of Peace
They put a crown of thorns on you the King of Kings
Alpha and Omega by all you are worshipped
In the hands of traitors you were brought for verdict
They pierced you on your side wounded their medicine
With your bound outstretched hands you carried our sins
All the soldiers mocked you as you hanged on the tree
I must never forget the price you paid for me
Alpha and Omega by all you are worshipped
In the hands of traitors you were brought for verdict